Respect for the soil and the plant
Reasoned management of the vineyard. For more than 15 years we have been applying the principles of reasoned cultivation by providing care to the vineyard in a carefully considered way and at the most opportune moment.
Tillage: Since 2015, chemical weeding has been gradually abandoned to return to tillage that respects the terroir and biodiversity.
Soil maintenance also favors the use of organic manure
Qualitative management of the vineyard: Double GUYOT pruning, increased planting density (6,000 vines/ha), leaf stripping, green harvesting make it possible to obtain rich grapes capable of producing high quality wines.
Protection of biodiversity and respect for the environment
Expression of the terroir
Harvested in perfect maturity. With our consultant oenologist Hervé ROMAT, our Head of Culture and our Cellar Master we define the optimum date for picking the bunches, plot by plot.
An attentive team then sorts each bunch to put only the finest grapes in vats.
Gentle vinification: The vinification is carried out gently at a moderate temperature for two to three weeks. Regular pumping over is carried out to allow gentle extraction of the best tannins.
Reasoned aging in vats and barrels. The wine then begins its aging for 12 months in French oak barrels selected by the best coopers.
The art of the winegrower is then to marry in a subtle dosage the tannins of the wine and those of the barrel while preserving the fruit.
"Our ambition:
To offer you an authentic wine, respectful of its terroir, which will enchant you and delight your guests".
HVE3 Certification
In 2019, Château Haut-Piquat obtained HVE3 High Environmental Value certification for all of its vineyard.
The High Environmental Value (HVE) corresponds to the highest level of an environmental certification scheme for farms. It is a voluntary approach implemented by winegrowers or farmers which aims to identify and promote practices that are more particularly respectful of the environment. It is based on indicators and a requirement for results that relate to the entire operation.
It is based on four key themes:
→ the preservation of biodiversity (insects, trees, hedges, grass strips, flowers, etc.);
→ the phytosanitary strategy;
→ fertilization management;
→ water resource management.
Wine is always the expression of those who make it.
With a dynamic team, our Head of Cultivation Eric SABACA, our Cellar Master Bruno ROQUES and our consultant oeonologist Hervé ROMAT, we express our passion to offer you the best.